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Slip-And-Fall Accidents

What you do right after a slip-and-fall accident is vital

Posted Oct 12, 2018 by Matt Boulton

Most of us have slipped and fallen at some point in our lives. Much of the time, these accidents result only in embarrassment, but other times, a serious injury might occur. This is problematic on both sides. The victim rightly feels he or she should receive compensation for injuries suffered in a slip-and-fall accident. The property owner probably feels he or she bears no fault in the accident.

As we have discussed in our blog before, the hinge point in assigning liability for slip-and-fall accidents is proving negligence. The victim will have to prove that negligence caused the accident and the injuries. When someone slips, falls and suffers an injury, the last thing on his or her mind is gathering evidence. However, if you are physically able, it is crucial to do so immediately after such an accident occurs. Here is why.

To keep other people on the property safe from harm, staff members in a commercial establishment will probably remove the hazard right away. This means you will have no proof that the hazard was ever there. If you can document the scene with photographs or video, you will have a better chance of proving negligence. Documenting eyewitness accounts of the incident will also help your case.

To strengthen any potential legal action you take, you should seek medical care right after a slip-and-fall accident. A medical assessment and a physician’s report detailing your injuries adds weight to your case while ensuring that you receive proper treatment. Choosing not to seek a medical opinion will actually hurt a premises liability case.

These are just a few important tips we want to impart to our Indiana neighbors. Additional information about the aftermath of a slip-and-fall accident is available to visitors on our website.

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Author Matt Boulton

Attorney Matt Boulton is an award-winning personal injury attorney with more than 25 years of experience helping seriously injured people throughout Indiana. He designed his firm for the client who expects exceptional service and passionate, successful legal representation.

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